Headshot of me
Zach Seaborn
Web Developer

"From cooking, to coding.""

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I was a cook , but now I code. You may not know this, but they are surprisingly similar.

Recently, I graduated The Iron Yard from the Python Engineering and Data Science class. This wonderful, yet challenging, experience taught me the skills necessary to be a junior-level developer. I learned how to think like a programmer, troubleshoot issues, and teach myself new tools.

Let's Talk!


My "Toolbelt"









What I'm Learning


Ruby on Rails




Since graduating from The Iron Yard, I have continued to learn, recently completing the Codecademy course on JavaScript while also undertaking Free Code Camp's extensive front-end certification course. I really enjoy working on the certification course, because it has taught me how to further improve this very portfolio. I'm working very hard at it, and I look forward to completing it. I have also very recently started the Codecademy course on Ruby in hopes to soon learn how to use Ruby on Rails.

I have really come to love programming. I find it to be so much fun when I have to write some silly algorithm that creates dictionaries/objects/hashes of pets. Then once I've written that silly algorithm, I think to myself, "Now how can I use that in the real world?", and with the pet example, that could be user creation.

From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep, all I can think about is becoming a better programmer. I have a part-time job at the moment to try and make ends meet while I'm looking for a developer job, but while I'm there I think in terms of for loops and if statements. I'm sure that sounds strange, but it's true. The code has truly invaded my brain and it has changed how I see the world.

I have embarked upon a journey to better my life. From the moment I saw the first "Hello World!" pop into my console almost a year ago, I was hooked. Since that moment I have tried to do all I can to become a better programmer, with the intent of gaining employment as a developer. It may take some time to gain that employment, but to me, that just means when I am hired, I will be better prepared for what challeges lay ahead.